Genuinely Global Leadership

Knowledge Center

Articles listed below are immediately available on a click-to-read basis.

Getting to the Heart of Global Leadership, by Jo Ann Ross and Willa Zakin Hallowell. The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs (an online publication of the Fletcher School at Tufts University), September 2016.

The Art of Self-Care and Dynamic Global Leadership, by Jo Ann Ross. The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs (an online publication of the Fletcher School at Tufts University), September 2016.

Embracing Hope in a Turbulent World: Five Steps for Global Leaders, by Jo Ann Ross. The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs (an online publication of the Fletcher School at Tufts University), September 2016.

The Intricate Web Connecting Virtual Teams, by Maureen Bridget Rabotin. T+D, the magazine of the American Society for Training & Development, April 2014.

Creative Leadership, by Dr. B.H. Tan, based on his book Leading with New Eyes: How Explorer Leaders Unleash Creativity in Their Organizations; McGraw Hill, 2013.

Reading the World: Acquiring Cultural Synergetic Intelligence in Today’s Global Economy, by Maureen Bridget Rabotin. T+D, the magazine of the American Society for Training & Development, February 2009.

Encountering the Chinese: A Modern Country, An Ancient Culture, by C. Grove, Hu Wenzhong, & Zhuang Enping; Hachette, 3rd Edition, 2010.

Two articles on The Pentagram Approach to Stress by Laurent Oddoux and colleagues, 2009. [The pentagram approach is for leaders who wish to understand and remedy their role as instigators or transmitters of stress.]
Stress and the Pentagram: Action Strategies.
Joint Management and Control of Stress: The Pentagram Model.

Gaining a Critical Edge in Mastering Globalization , by C. Grove and Willa Hallowell colleagues, Leadership in Action [Center for Creative Leadership], Vol. 27, No. 2, June 2007. [This article is about the usefulness of diversity and interculturalism for business leaders who are trying to master globalization.]

Introduction to the GLOBE Research Project on Leadership Worldwide, by C. Grove. GROVEWELL, 2005.

Global Teamwork & Cultural Differences, by Gary Wederspahn. GROVEWELL, 2005.

Getting Results through Organizational Design, by E.C. McGee & Kathy Molloy. Creating High-Performance Organizations, 2003.

The Eighth Key Practice for M&A Success, by C. Grove & W. Hallowell. M&A Review, [an e-magazine published in London by Dealogic], Issue 4, July 2001.

Building Global Business Relationships: The Roles of Social Capital, Emotional Competence, and Intercultural Communication Skill, by C. Grove. GROVEWELL, 2001. Revised, 2015.

Two related articles on e-mail use published in Velocity: Focus Europe [Strategic Account Management Association], by C. Grove, W. Hallowell, & Kathy Molloy. 2nd & 3rd Quarters, 2001.
E-Mail Makes Everything More Efficient…Unfortunately!., 2nd Q.
Protocols Make E-Mail More Effective…Fortunately!, 3rd Q.

Spinning Your Wheels? Successful Global Teams Know How to Gain Traction, by C. Grove & W. Hallowell. HRMagazine Focus, April 1998.

How the Learning Organization Manages Change, by Kathleen Molloy, R. Recardo, & J. Pellegrino. National Productivity Review, Winter 1995-96.

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